About us
The Osaka Gas Chemicals Group has top-class technologies and market shares in various business areas of the functional materials market. We have developed our own technologies in a wide range of fields, and provide advanced materials solutions and adsorption and separation solutions around the world.
advanced materials solutions
We offers value to customers with its proprietary technologies and high-quality material solutions.
adsorption and separation solutions
Through manufacturing, we contribute to a sustainable society, in which people live in harmony with nature.

Group companies Companies profile
Osaka Gas Chemicals (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. (OGCS) | Import/Export and sales of carbon and organic materials |
OSAKA GAS CHEMICALS(TAIWAN)CO., LTD. | Import/Export and sales of fine chemical materials |
Jacobi Carbons AB (Jacobi Carbons Group) | Production and sales of all types of activated carbon |
Mizusawa Industrial chemicals, Ltd. | Production and sales of adsorbent materials and resin additives |
Minabe Chemical Industries, Ltd. | Production and sale of high-performance activated carbon such as powdered coal and granular coal |
Davao Central Chemical Corporation (DCCC) | Production and sale of granular activated carbon made from coconut shells |
AD'ALL Co., Ltd. | Production of activated carbon fiber materials |
FulFine, Co., Ltd. | Production of fine chemical materials |
JO Carbon Co., Ltd. | Production and sales of isotropic pitch, etc. |